1:1 . Introduction of the constitution.
1:2. Introduction of THE VOPA COMMUNITY. 1:3. THE VOPA COMMUNITY emblem.
1:4. Our Faith.
2:0. Our goals /aims/objectives.
3:0. Conditions for membership in THE VOPA COMMUNITY .
4:0. Right, duties and responsibilities of THE VOPA COMMUNITY member .
5:0. The end of someone's membership in the VOPA community.
6:1. The VOPA community chief executive officer (CEO)
6:2. The VOPA community deputy chief executive officer (dip CEO)
6:3. The VOPA community general secretary (GS)
6:4. The VOPA community chief treasurer (CT) / The VOPA community CHIEF ACCOUNTANT (CA).
6:5 . The VOPA COMMUNITY parliament.
6:6. LEADERSHIP in state level.
6:7. High council of representatives.
6:8. Local council of representatives.
6:9. Donors and Sponsors of our community.
6:10. The VOPA COMMUNITY board of advisors.
7:0. Meetings, congregations and symposiums.
8:0. Ethics , Discipline ,Punishments and penalties in our community.
9:0. Revenue sources of our community.
10.0 . Constitution amendments.
11:0. Our expectations (THE AFRICA WE WANT)
12:0. Breakdown of the VOPA community.
PART THIRTEEN. 13:0. Conclusion.
01:- PART ONE.
1: 1: a. We as the VOICE OF PAN AFRICANISTS (VOPA ) Community members, we have created and approved this constitution to be our leader/guidance and our reference in our arguments,activities, responsibilities and to provide the procedure and structure of our leadership wherever we exist or wherever we open the branch of our Community.
1: 1: b. For the great interest of our country of Africa, and by recognizing the potential of our
communion in bringing redemption, salvation and development of Africa, we are ready to obey and comply with the laws which are written in this Constitution.
1: 1: c. This constitution is the result of collection of ideas and visions of the pioneers /founders of this community.The foundation of this constitution is built over the visions of our founding fathers and Freedom fighters of our African states. As a recognition and appreciation to our prior pan AFRICANISTS, we have also decided to Walk on their way through obeying this constitution.
1:1:d. This constitution was initially designed and written by comrade JONGELA P.F. KIJA then it was discussed and approved by all VOPA COMMUNITY members to be our guidance and reference .
1: 2: a. The name of our community is VOPA community,where by the word VOPA is the short form of THE VOICE OF PAN AFRICANISTS (VOPA Community). The creation of the VOPA community is the result of the implementation of decisions made by African patriots from different part of the world who recognizes the great efforts made by the prior pan AFRICANISTS and the great efforts which are now being applied by international African communities like AU, political parties like EFF ,various governmental institutions, Non government institutions like ADDI, prof PLO LUMUMBA foundation, and individuals in bringing the African Unity, we are appreciating their efforts and we are giving support towards uniting our AFRICA not as continent but as one Nation with one major GOVERNMENT.
1: 2: b. This good decision which focuses on the interest and well-being of Africa and her people has been issued as a result of many informal meetings made by the community founders .
1: 2: c. This community is designed to cooperate with all willing Africans whose plans toward AFRICA is always good,and then this cooperation will provide solutions to all challenges facing our Africa.
1: 2: d. This community shall not be a political organization and it is not expected to be registered 9
as a political organization except its community members can be politicians and followers of various political parties. This community is not religious and will not be conducted on the basis of any religion except its community members may be believers and followers of their own religions. People's religious beliefs shall be respected by allowing and giving free time to every worker of the VOPA community to worship what he/she worship in his/her respective day . Nothing will be done upon someone by looking at his/her religion or his/her political party or even anything that makes him/her different from someone else.
1: 2: e. The headquarters of VOPA community will be in Mbeya City in Tanzania. And the chief servants from all over Africa will work in offices built in mbeya City. If the PARLIAMENT will approve then each African state shall have representatives at the VOPA community headquarter as among of the workers of our community in supervision of our economic projects.
The VOPA Community mission is to facilitate the formation of the United States of Africa / AFRICA federation with One supreme government, one central bank and common currency which will be useful throughout AFRICA, one military power which will be responsible to keep our peace throughout AFRICA and remove all foreign military bases, one African passport which will allow free movement of people and goods throughout AFRICA and the removal of colonial boundaries which separate and make us enemies of each other.
1:2:g. OUR VISION.
Our vision is to see a United States of Africa or Africa federation which is independent and self- reliant prosperous AFRICA whose people desire not to leave AFRICA and rush away to be enslaved and humiliated in Asia , Europe and America.
1: 3: a. The VOPA COMMUNITY emblem will always be the mark and identity of our VOPA Community.
1: 3: b. Whenever this emblem is used it will mark the involvement or presence or direct ownership of the VOPA Community on what the emblem is used on.
1: 3: c. This emblem has been made by ourselves and we have approved it to be our mark and identity.The emblem was initially designed by comrade JONGELA P.F.KIJA , The design was implemented by comrade AMOS FRANCIS & NEWTON NYEMA, finally the emblem was discussed and approved by all VOPA Community members.
1: 3: d. The blue color on our emblem represent the wealth of the water resource which has been given to Africans by our almighty GOD, our creator. In our unity we must use these water for our well-being and in eliminating our problems we're now facing . Water is not only for drinking since water can change desert to Forest and poor to rich . Our water can make us free from slavery only if we'll understand that farming is not solely depending on rain . We must use this resource to make ourselves free from dependence on those who hate us.Africans, we must stop expecting bread From those whose plan is to destroy us,those whose desire is to make us their permanent slaves.We must use our resources to free ourselves from DEPENDANCE,we must struggle to reach self reliance in each aspect as AFRICANS.This is possible and the ability to do, is on our hands.
1: 3: e. The borderless map of African reveal our Faith that AFRICA is one and that we were initially not having these boundaries which divides and make us enemies of each other.These colonial boundaries which we're now glorifying was imposed on us by COLONIALISTS who came to EXPLOIT our resources,to kill and assassinate our leaders,to hung us, to trade us as commodities. For us to continue to hold and glorify these borders is to give appreciations to the satanic meeting of the bandits who sat in Berlin conference and they decided to invade us.Throwing away these boundaries which was brought to us without our willing and we didn't ask them to impose borders on us is a key way to solve all problems that we are confronting with. These borders has become the source of hatred and war between us, the source of hunger and poverty among us. Removing these boundaries will raise up our economy,will rebuild our love and cooperation between us. On other side for us to continue to glorify these borders is to continue to respect the plan of those whose dream is to destroy us."WE MUST NOW UNITE".
1: 3: f. The warrior is the manifestation of the fact that African problems will end up only when every African man and African woman will decide to cooperate with unity regardless of their differences to fight against ignorance, illness and poverty. It's only on the day when everyone of us will take his/her responsibility in fighting against our enermies when we'll defeat our enemies and we'll become a powerful and independent Nation in every aspect with its complete freedom without foreign interference. Our unity is our salvation. AFRICANS LET'S UNITE NOW.
1: 3: g. Traditional weapons of spear and shield describe our belief that African enemies can be
conquered by our own African techniques, by using our African weapons designed by Africans for the interests of Africa. In Africa, we can conquer poverty, we can defeat disease, and we can win the battle between ourselves and ignorance only by fighting ourselves against the oppressors while using our techniques and our weapons . It's only through our unity that we can build up one AFRICA,powerful and independent Africa. We can't win the battle we're fighting because the weapons we're using are made up by our enemies. AFRICAN enemies must not be allowed to train our soldiers, we can't win a fighter in which our armies are trained by our enermies, we can't win a war we're fighting untill the day we'll fight by using our own weapons made by Africans here in Africa. Diseases Shall never disappear in AFRICA untill the day we'll fight diseases by using our own doctors and our own medicines and medical equipment made here in Africa by AFRICANS for Africans. AFRICAN CHALLENGES MUST BE SOLVED BY AFRICANS IN AFRICAN WAY. We're facing difficult in resolving our problems because we depends on foreigners to solve our problems something which shall never happen. Our problems are caused & created by Those who hypocritically pretend to call us in their summits to resolve our problems but infact their are seeking for the New way to strengthen their influence on us . For AFRICA to be in safe place we must stop rushing to foreign summits prepared by world's superpower countries because we only go there to give them our secret Information and our inside details which enable them to recolonize us in simple way. Since they're creators of our problems then they can't solve problem instead they'll maximize the burden we're suffering for.The best way we can get out of all challenges we're facing is for us to put aside our differences,come together as AFRICANS, discuss together for we're One and solve together as brothers and sisters of Africa. OUR SALVATION IS IN OUR UNITY . There's no any foreign country in the world which call a summit with African states for the benefit of AFRICA , all they're doing is for their interest. There's no even a single foreign country in the world which can trouble her citizens for the sake of AFRICANS , all they're doing is for their benefits. For AFRICA to regain her greatness we must stop crying for assistance from the colonialists, we must start calling for summits for us to congregate and solve our problem ourselves. There's No civilization we can learn from those who enslaved our fathers and assassinated our leaders , there's No even single wise advise we can receive from those who can't understand even the law of nature of creation. AFRICA IS THE CENTER & MOTHER OF WISDOM & CIVILIZATION.
1: 3: h. Yellow colors clearly reveal the fact that the whole Africa is blessed in all kinds of mineral wealth that someone may need. All of us in our unity as we have thrown away our differences, we must unite to utilize these mineral wealth to rescue ourselves from the intense teeth of those who hate us. By doing so we will be a great Nation to provide humanitarian aid to others and not to continue kneeling before the COLONIALISTS whose intention is to destroy us.
1: 3: i. Green color represents the great potential of our soil to develop every kind of product that man can need. It is a sign of natural wealth and our forests that everything can be found in our land. Through good utilization of our own resources we can redeem ourselves from slavery and dependence. Let us use these resources to build our father's land, let's stay in Africa to build our
own Homeland, let's not dare to flee to Asia, Europe and America to be enslaved , humiliated persecuted and abused by those who assassinated our fathers .Let's cooperate and love each other as we're all AFRICANS and the fact that we're all children of the same father. Let's put aside our differences,let's UNITE to build unconquered African empire .OUR SALVATION IS BASED ON OUR UNITY.
1: 3: j. The black color represent the Human resources and the natural descendants of Africa. The Natural INHABITANTS of the African population who are all children of the same Father. We're all AFRICANS and Africa is ours, Let's unite and allow free movement throughout AFRICA, Let's stop calling our compatriots "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" while we're all at our home ,we're all in AFRICA our motherland. Let's unite and fight together for our diginity and our sovereignty for we're now not free because independence means self RELIANCE.How can we say that we're free while we can't even move freely at Our own home?, How can we say that we're free while we import everything from those who don't love us?, How can we say that we're free while our home is full of millitary bases and Police stations of those whose dream is to destroy us?,How can we say that we're free while we hate ourselves,we fight against ourselves for the interest of the COLONIALISTS and our resources are being taken away freely Infront of our eyes .IT'S THE TIME NOW FOR US TO UNITE to conquer our oppressors. Let's UNITE NOW to achieve single and powerful government, single currency throughout AFRICA,single passport and free movement throughout AFRICA, single and powerful MILLITARY POWER, Let's chase away those who're surrounding us with their millitary bases, Let's free ourselves From CFA & ECO colonial currency,This is 100% possible, LET'S believe on ourselves ,Let's depends on ourselves,Let's stop DEPENDANCE on those bandits whose intentions is to make us worse POOR and permanent slaves .
1: 3: k. The white color is a symbol of peace and harmony which is the greatest need for our prosperity and welfare .We must STOP fighting against ourselves for by the time we're fighting our resources are being freely taken away by those who we always think that they're our friends while they're our great enemies. Fighting among ourselves is the benefit to those who hate us for they use that chance to steal our resources while we're killing ourselves for our resources are being taken away in exchange of weapons and when we're busy killing each other our resources are being freely taken away . If we're not ready to stop this stupidity then we're preparing to be permanent slaves at our own home. This white color can also be considered to represent the skin appearance of some of the AFRICAN IMMIGRANTS who we're now considering as our fellow Africans .
1: 3: l. The red color is the symbol of the blood of all African patriots who volunteered to offer their lives up to death fighting for the independence,justice and equality in Africa and throughout the world.They opposed and resisted the invasion and infringement of Africa, these people fought
against colonialism for us, they missed peace so that we may live peacefully in our own land, they died in the state of poverty so that we may live in the state of wealth by using our own resources, they were being sold into the market as commodities that we may live shameless in Africa, they were abused, hanged , killed and assassinated that we may live free in our motherland, They were distributed throughout the world as slaves that we (their children ) may live United in Africa, these people even were having no great education but they knew the value of Africa, these people were not afraid of fighting the enemies to teach us the courage to confront with every difficulty and to defeat every enemy on our own way, these people were not coward that they fought for what is ours,they fought for our dignity, freedom and our resources, they taught us HOW THE HERO SHOULD BE DEFINED. AFRICA has an obligation to remember and appreciate her heroes. We must respect what they performed for us, Our history which is written by Africans for the benefit of Africans must be clear to everyone. This will maximize the patriotic spirit on us.
1: 3: m. Words "AFRICA MUST UNITE NOW".
It's correctly true that we need to unite now not as continent but as one NATION with one government for AS WE DELAY TO UNITE THE HARDER IT BECOME FOR US TO UNITE.We're very fragmented,disunited and powereless while our enermies are United and powerful than we are.For us to defeat them we MUST UNITE NOW otherwise we'll never UNITE and we'll forever defeated.Our salvation lies on our unity for if we'll UNITE we'll have one AFRICAN army which will be very powerful to patrol and defend the whole AFRICA then we'll expel all non African military bases in Africa.These foreign military bases are the big source of political instability in AFRICA , we need to expel them from our Nation and replace them with a powerful AFRICAN army which will be strong enough to keep and maintain our peace.If we'll UNITE NOW we'll have our own AFRICAN CENTRAL BANK which will be able to print our own single currency which will be used throughout the whole AFRICA. Having one central bank and single currency will save us from foreign debits,from poverty, from hunger,from USD slavery, from poverty, from foreign aids & debits , from overdependance and from segregation. If we'll UNITE NOW we'll have a UNITED STATE OF AFRICA which will have one and powerful government strong enough to solve all problems which we're now confronting with.If we'll UNITE NOW we'll remove these colonial borders which we've been glorifying and praising for a long time while we're abusing ourselves.These borders were imposed on us without our wills by the European bandits in order to facilitate their evil mission of invading us, dividing us, colonizing us ,killing us, assassinating our patriotic leaders and exploiting our resources .These borders are not ours, it was not our suggestions to have these borders which divide us and make us hate each other.We're now free , let's lift away these borders to allow our integration that we may be able to trade each other as AFRICANS. It's also CORRECTLY TRUE that if we'll not UNITE NOW we'll forever remain slaves at our home, we'll continue hating each other and we'll not stop abusing ourselves by calling our compatriots " ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS " while we're all Africans and we're all in Africa.If we'll not UNITE NOW then our enermies will not stop to
make us fight against each other while they're steeling our resources and we'll forever be poor on the rich land.If we'll not unite now then our children will never stop dying in the Mediterranean sea while they're striving to be enslaved in Europe and America, our children Will leave this land and they'll be slaves as house boys and house girls in the house of the colonialists, Our children will forever be humiliated and innocently killed in abroad.If we'll not unite now then we'll remain the most disrespected human race in the world and both our humanity and our right will never be considered.If we'll not unite now then we'll continue submitting all of our precious materials to the imperialists and turn back to kneel down under their feet to beg for what is ours, if we'll not UNITE NOW we'll forever continue to submit our huge whole bread into the hand of the bandits and turn back to kneel down under their feet crying and begging for only tiny particle of our own bread. AFRICANS, IT'S NOW THE TIME TO UNITE OTHERWISE WE'LL SOON BE WORSE COLONIZED AGAIN. AFRICANS Let's take time to think again, let's remember that we're the children of the same father, let's understand that we're one, let's remember where we came from, let's look where we are now, let's lift our eyes to see where is our destination, let's think how shall we reach at our intended destination. AFRICANS, It's the time now to throw away our differences and come together as AFRICANS, Let's not be proud of our Kenyaness,Tanzanianess ,Ghanaianess ,South Africaness , Nigerianess or even any selfishness, Let's everyone of us be proud by saying "I'M AN AFRICAN, I'M SMARTLY WORKING FOR AFRICA, FOR THE SALVATION OF MY HOMELAND".
1: 4. OUR FAITH.
1: 4: a. All Africans are equal regardless of their differences in the wealth, educational level, religion, political orientation, colonial boundaries , tribes or any other difference that distinguish one person to another.
1: 4: b. Africa is one and her people are one and should live in unity and love each other without relying on the colonial boundaries which were brought to us as a result of the implementation of the decisions made by European bandits in Berlin conference who decided to come to INVADE us, to divide us, to persecute us, to abuse us, to rob us, to abuse our humanity by trading us in the markets as commodities , to hang and kill us openly. WE'RE NOW FREE AND WE MUST UNITE AS AFRICANS.
1: 4: c. For us to continue abusing ourselves by calling our compatriots "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" while we're all still at our home here in AFRICA is to continue to show respect and to glorify the Berlin bandits meeting.For the sake of prosperity of AFRICA, we MUST UNITE to allow free
movement of people and goods throughout AFRICA.
1: 4: d. The strong united states of Africa is only the most important solution to all problems facing Africa as OUR UNITY IS OUR POWER. AFRICA shall free herself from slavery only by UNITING as one Nation and not otherwise. Our financial crisis will be solved only when AFRICA will agree to have a single CURRENCY which will be useful throughout AFRICA . We'll be financially stable only if we'll gree to have one CENTRAL BANK which Will be printing and controlling our CURRENCY and make it useful throughout AFRICA and abroad. We'll make our economy stable ONLY if we'll allow free movement of our people and goods throughout AFRICA to enable our people to trade each other as we're all Africans.
1: 4: e. There is nothing to prevent us from uniting Africa if we decide to UNITE ourselves for the sake of our salvation as AFRICANS. This is because even our Almighty GOD himself loves unity. The only challenge hindering us on this is that MANY OF OUR LEADERS WANT TO BE GREAT FISH IN A SMALL PONDS which is impossible. The day our leaders will conquer selfishness , desire for popularity and striving for fame is the day we'll start moving on the right direction. AFRICANS , if we're not ready to unite then we're preparing to be an everlasting most disrespected human race throughout the world. The truth is that NO ONE AMONG AFRICANS WHO'LL BE A SUPERSTAR IF AFRICA IS NOT A SUPERSTAR.
1: 4: f. Selfishness among our AFRICAN leaders that everyone of them want to be a top government leader after the formation of the UNITED STATE OF AFRICA is one of the greatest obstacles for us to unite. For us to UNITE we need to sacrifice our desire for publicity, popularity, fame and selfishness because what we need is a UNITED STATE OF AFRICA regardless of who is a top leader and where is he from as long as he's a patriot from among African States. We can't unite AFRICA while we're selfish, we need to start thinking out of the box, let's think about AFRICA
, let's not our mind be limited by these colonial boundaries , let's not only think about our small African states but let's consider the whole AFRICA as our home. Let's not cast our care to be elected on different government positions but let's focus on how we can UNITE to form a United States of Africa. Let's not fight for leadership position but let's focus on prosperity of our homeland.Anyone among us who'll be our top leader let's cooperate and work together with him for the salvation of AFRICA.
1: 4: g. Any military attack or illnesses attack or attack of any problem at any part of Africa is an attack to the whole Africa and must be answered by whole AFRICA without hesitation.
1: 4: h. CORRUPTION is an exactly the reasons for our low status we have. Economic sabotage is 16
one of the factors which draw us back. For the sake of prosperity of AFRICA,we must stop all kind of corruption . Our resources must be well managed . Any person who'll be confirmed that he/she is corruption oriented shall not be our member in VOPA community for that person is good for nothing. The VOPA community parliment and the present leadership must take actions against any corrupt leader in the VOPA community . CORRUPTION is the reason to why many people dies in our destructed and law quality roads, it's the reason to why our children and our parents are dying in our law quality hospitals because of lack of medicine due to CORRUPTION, it's CORRUPTION which is the reasons to why we were given only flag independence but both our economy and our mind are still captured. CORRUPTION has killed more people in Africa than any Civil war , CORRUPTION is more dangerous than any destructive weapon in the world. FOR AFRICA TO BE GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGAIN THEN ALL CORRUPT PEOPLE MUST BE SEVERELY PUNISHED AND THE TERM "CORRUPTION" MUST BE THE FORGOTTEN WORD IN OUR HISTORY.
1: 4: i. To comply with African culture in our life is our honor and our salvation but imitating the Western people's culture is where our destruction is. HOMOSEXUALITY and ABORTION are things that shall not be tolerated anytime more in our AFRICA. Anyone who'll be confirmed to offer support to homosexuality or abortion must be expelled from our community with no any compensation, There's no forgiveness to the one who practice these satanic habits. We'll never work with someone who practice /support these terrible evils. FOR AFRICA TO BE GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGAIN THEN WE MUST NOT EMBRACE THE EVIL CULTURE OF OUR OPPRESSORS
1: 4: j. Fear and shamefulness among ourselves is what destroying our Nation. We must have to say and live the truth because that will cost us little compared to our silence.
1: 4: k. Our courage to confront with the situation we have and fight against our enemies will save us from our enemies and bring us to the land flowing of milk and honey. It's the time for Africans to wake up now, we have been dreaming for a long time, now it's a time to wake up and fulfill our dreams. "Let's cast away the fear of death because death is the part of our life. Let's be proud of our Africaness." Let's be ready to fight for our country even to die for what is ours"
1: 4: l. EFFICIENCY of the work done by someone is the measure of integrity at work and shall be the measure for a person to obtain any position to serve in our VOPA Community. Certificates that are only pieces of paper and the education level of person are important but we will not cast our sole attention on them . A person will be judged according to the quality of his good service that he /she has been doing for the interests of our Africa.
1: 4: m. Effectively working will bring economic redemption to any African and not both the miracles from the uknown place and gaming/betting. Any one whose life depends on the miracles
, gaming and betting must not be given any position as a leader in our community but he/she can be our community member. AFRICANS, it's now the time to work harder and smarter for the sake
of our homeland .It's not a time now for us to cast our care about waiting for miracles and fortunes. It's not a time now for us to wait for a chance but it's the time for us to create both opportunity and chance. AFRICANS ,let's NOT be deceived by these so called Free financial assistances /aid .In fact THERE'S NOTHING WHICH IS FREE IN REAL. The cost which we'll continue paying for these free financial assistance is very terrible even to hear. There's no any county throughout the world which is working hard to collect revenue from her citizens for the sake of Africans. THESE free financial and heath AID we're rushing to seek from the BANDITS are the nuclear/atomic bombs at our own home which will soon erupt and kill us all. Let us not depend on free things, let's not be people to be assisted, let's consider ourselves that WE'RE THE PEOPLE TO OFFER HUMANITARIAN AID TO OTHERS AND NOT OURSELVES TO BE HELPED.
1: 4: n. What we need is our goals and missions to be fulfilled within the scheduled time, we will not care for who is a leader, or for how long he/she has been a leader at a certain position, however we'll have no special election series. The MOST important thing in the VOPA community is to succeed and fulfill our goals. At any hour if the VOPA parliament / council of representatives will confirm that a certain leader is out of our plan, then that leader will be expelled from the respective position and the election will take place at once .Any lazy leader who love to use the word "impossible" to defend his\her negligence and fear of making wise decisions must be expelled from the respective position of leadership and the election must take place at once. We can't make AFRICA great again by entertaining lazy and stupid leaders for there's nothing impossible. WE NEED LEADERS WITH AN ENDLESS PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUES towards our challenges.
1: 4: o. The habit of falling in love with what is not ours and throwing away what's ours is the reason to why we're in this lowest status of human race.Africans let's now be proud of what's ours, let's stop imitating everything from foreigners, let's love ourselves , let's not be proud of being at a certain place or state of AFRICA but let's be proud that we're all AFRICANS where is the origination of all human civilization. Let's work together as AFRICANS for we're one and we're the children of the same Father. Anyone's problem is our problem let's struggle together to make AFRICA Great again.
1:4:p . All foreign NGOs and all political parties/Organizations funded by European and the USA bandits including foreign embassies in Africa are the source of our tribulation . This is because they're here in Africa to defend the interest of those who have brought them here in Africa by any means even by assassinating our patriotic leaders at our own home. For AFRICA to be great and
glorious again we need not to embrace the presence of foreign aids which are designed to take our freedom and make us forever slaves, foreign embassies which are occupied by spies who seek for our information and send to their home countries and all NGOs and political parties which are funded by the colonialists should be banned. All our NGOs and our political parties should either be satisfied self-reliant Organizations or funded by Africans of good will.
1:4:q. For AFRICA to become great and glorious again ,we must have an ability to control our information systems . Media is a destructive weapon which if we use it well then we'll build our homeland but if we misuse it then we'll be destroying our continent by our own hands. Media can turn an innocent person into guilt and the guilt person into innocent. If AFRICA is to unite and regain her greatness then we must have an ability to control over social Media and all source of information. AFRICAN GOVERNMENT(s) must have an ability to control what the citizens hears and listen from all information sources. HOW CAN WE SAY THAT WE'RE FREE AND WE HAVE SOMETHING WE CALL "secrets" WHILE EVEN THE SATELLITES AND INTERNET WE USE IS NOT OURS ??. AFRICA IS NAKED INFRONT OF HER OPPRESSORS. The day that we'll have an ability to control our information systems is the day that we'll start moving on the right direction.
1:4:r . For AFRICA to be in the safe position , we must stop or minimize the amount of products we're importing especially food products and electronic devices. For AFRICA to regain her greatness, we must think of being independent in every aspect for if we'll continue consuming what we do not either know or produce surely we'll continue being slaves in the hands of those who give us food, beverage, clothes, electronic, and machines. OUR LIFE SAFETY IS IN THE HAND OF THOSE WHO DECIDE about the type of food and beverage we consume, the types of machines and electronics we use, the type of clothes we put on and what kind of standard of life we live. Though we always celebrate the freedom days but still the COLONIALISTS CAN DECIDE ANYTHING ON US. FOR AFRICA TO BE TRULY FREE , WE MUST BE SELF RELIANT UNITED STATES OF AFRICA/AFRICA FEDERATION . INDEPENDENCE MEANS SELF RELIANCE and not otherwise for if we're still expecting compassion / pity from the colonialists for us to live THEN WE'RE STILL SLAVES AT OUR OWN HOME.
1:4:s. EDUCATION is the foundation of all human development and the source of everything whether good or bad. For AFRICA to be great and glorious again we must be sure of education we're providing to our children that it is going to impart knowledge and IDEAS which will lead our children to make the Africa we want . We want an independent united self relient AFRICA but our education system is preparing our children to be everlasting slaves of those who once physically colonized our fathers and now they're colonizing us in new way. There's no way AFRICA can be great and glorious again if we'll continue embracing the COLONIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM . We need to have a system of education which is linked to our resources that our children may be able
to use our raw materials we have to produce finished products which will Meet the requirements of the children of Africa and the world . If we want Africa to be great surely we must invest much in TRUE African EDUCATION, even our true history must be well open, clear and understood to our children.
02:- PART TWO.
2: 1. To establish, strengthen and develop the community of unity in solidarity and brotherhood that will be formed by Africans from around the world, and this community Will be responsible for facilitating the formation of the UNITED STATES OF AFRICA and for creation of more opportunities so that our young people may remain in Africa to rebuild the land of our fathers instead of rushing to Asia, Europe and America to be enslaved by those who hate us where they will be humiliated and abused regardless of their personality. Our greatest intention is to use every good way to facilitate the UNITY of AFRICA for AFRICA is one since at the beginning but we were divided by those who came to make us their slaves. IT'S NOW THE TIME TO REUNITE as we are the children of one father.
2: 2. Investing in agriculture sector, education, science, technology, research, health, business and industrial sector, fishing and in any sector where we'll see that there's benefit\interest. These investments will provide employment opportunities and reduce poverty among African youths and they'll not continue dying again in the Mediterranean sea as they seek to be enslaved in Europe and America. By providing more opportunities here in Africa we'll save our children from being house boys and house girls of the colonialist. THROUGH THESE INVESTMENT IN DIFFERENT SECTORS WE'LL MAKE THE VOPA COMMUNITY independent and powerful voice.
2: 3. To apply for support from African Governments to provide us areas\fields for investment as we're the children of Africa and we're working hard for our success as AFRICANS. Because there's no government in the world which hate its youths then we hope we'll be well supported but if they'll not give us both land and financial assistance then we should not end up there, we must by any means fulfill our goal ourselves, we'll have to buy our own land with our own ability for the wide range of our African interests.
2: 4. To apply for sponsorship and financial support from African regional organizations, private
and non government organizations, private companies and individuals whose dreams towards Africa is always good. These support will enable us to implement our work plans. If they'll not receive us then We must not end up there, we must use another plan to fulfil our goals.
2: 5. To work closely and in partnership with various government institutions , Private institution and individuals who their goals are also our goals. The VOPA Parliament is responsible to make decisions on which institution is right for us to cooperate with , for we need to be in partnership which will never facilitate us to violate our constitution. We must be sure that the cooperation between us and others is not weakening our goals and will not make us break the law written in this Constitution. The following are some of institution we'll associate with them prof PLO LUMUMBA Foundation, Africa Youth Leadership Forum, Africa Diaspora Development Institute, Economic Freedom Fighters, African Union and many more .
2: 6. To make congregations & symposiums (PAN AFRICANISTS symposium ) which will be held (× 2 or × 1) annually as it will be determined by our Parliament per year for these symposiums will be held in any African states. The primary aim of these congregations is to spread the philosophy/ ideology of PAN AFRICANISM and the fact that " It's only through unity, Africa will recognize her potential". At these congregations the speech relating to our Faith as Pan AFRICANISTS will be delivered. The speaker will be approved by our Parliament. These congregations will be accompanied with an opening/strengthening of a new State branches of VOPA in a certain AFRICAN state. The Program of contributing for our VOPA community development budget will be held. Before we start any thing at our congregation the AFRICAN UNION Anthem and that of the VOPA community Will be sung. OUR symposiums are aimed to reveal the Truth that WITHOUT UNITY AFRICA IS GOING NOWHERE FOR THERE'S NO FUTURE FOR US IF WE'LL CONTINUE REFUSING TO UNITE.
2: 7. Visiting refugee camps and orphanages to offer humanitarian aid to help them and fulfill the requirements of the law 2: 6. This exercise will be regulated by the VOPA parliament or the council of representatives.
2: 8. We'll have our storage of food products for business and to fulfill the requirements of the law 2: 7.
2: 9. We will support our African youth who want to make various scientific research to make a scientific discovery that'll enable the VOPA Community to be independent and finally the whole Africa.OUR FAITH MUST BE OPEN TO ALL AFRICANS.
2:10. Calling for African Governments to change the colonial education system whose education offered is not connected to our resources. We want the educational system that will enable Africa to to be independent in each sphere and reduce imports of products from foreign countries. We need an education system that Will help us to maximize the exports of African finished products rather than exporting raw materials the situation that makes us poor. We need an education system which will prepare our children to serve Africa and not the system we're now using which prepare our children tobe forever slaves. WE'RE POOR NOT BECAUSE WE WERE COLONIZED BUT BECAUSE WE'RE STILL MIND COLONIZED UP TO THIS SECOND. The day we'll Open our eye and see where is leaking is when AFRICA will start MOVING FORWARD .
2:11. Revealing and spreading the philosophy of PAN AFRICANISM throughout AFRICA. We need to make all AFRICANS aware of the Truth that OUR SALVATION IS BASED ONLY ON OUR UNITY.We want a UNITED STATES OF AFRICA with one most powerful continental government (though the local state governments may continue to exist but they'll be under the continental government) , one strongest continental army to keep peace throughout AFRICA and to remove all foreign military bases in Africa, one continental CENTRAL BANK which will print our single currency which will be useful throughout AFRICA and make us free from depending on IMF,WB and foreign aids, We need AFRICA with no these colonial boundaries which were imposed on us for the exploitation of our resources, one official language whose origination is AFRICA, one education system which will make us independent from our colonial masters. We need an integrated AFRICA for our prosperity. As the means of preaching the philosophy of PAN AFRICANISM AND SELF RELIANCE we must focus on opening branches on every EDUCATION INSTITUTION in AFRICA including schools, colleges and universities.
2:12. Using the profession and the ability of our fellow Africans to fulfill our ambitions towards Africa. We will have different institutions which will be made up by Africans who've the same professional and ability . These institutions will enable us to be self dependant in every aspect. Within VOPA community we'll have different boards which will work and supervise our institutions.These boards will be made up by people who've the same skill, ability and professions. These institutions will enable us to be self reliant community by having our own hospitals, our businesses, our farms, our livestocks, our own medicine & drugs, our machines, our electronics , our construction companies and every thing we can do for the sake of AFRICA we'll do for our prosperity. Leaders of these institutions & boards will be appointed y the CEO and they'll be approved by the Parliamentary vote of YES by >50% of all MPs . Our mission is to reveal the truth that "AFRICA SAVED THE WORLD AND IT CAN SAVE THE WORLD AGAIN", "AFRICA WAS GREAT AND IT CAN BE GREAT AGAIN".
2:13. To make Africans aware of the fact that SELF RELIANCE is what will save us from the hands of our COLONIAL masters. We must stop expecting for the help from USA, EU & ASIA for there's
nothing Free and they're there United to EXPLOIT us, they've initiated many organizations purposely to weaken us and exploit our resources. We must understand the real TRUTH that there's no any foreign country which is day and night collecting revenue from her poor good citizens for the sake of AFRICANS. We must remember the fact that we're the most hated human race on the world therefore we must love each other as AFRICANS. We must stop EXPECTING humanitarian/financial aid from WB ,IMF, ICC, MONUSCO, human right watch, and other organizations which are under the control of the imperialists for they've designed such organizations for THEIR benefits ONLY. We must remind ourselves the Truth that EUROPEANS NEVER INTENDED TO BUILD AFRICA for they came only to invade us, divide us, kill us , assassinate our LEADERS who refused to betray us for the sake of colonialists. The bitter truth is that when we resisted their evil and satanic mission on us they cut our hands , they terribly killed us and dumped us into Holes in groups and they did all of these evils upon us at OUR own home. The colonialists are coming again in other way but their mission is the same as it was before AND WE MUST OPPOSE THEM. WE MUST UNITE And solve our problem OURSELVES as AFRICANS for if we'll not do so we'll continue forever remain slaves at our own home untill the second coming of JESUS.
2:14. While promoting the philosophy of PAN AFRICANISM Throughout AFRICA we'll be responsible to promote the philosophy of self reliance as a means for us to be independent and free from the colonizers teeth. As the law 2:12 explain we'll be ourselves a self reliant organization in every spheres by making sure that we invest in every sector where there's benefit for our community.As an Implementation of this law we must have our own land, fields, buildings, hospitals,schools & colleges, construction companies,industries and other companies and institutions according to our needs as it will be approved by our Parliament. The fact that we were physically colonized and that we were given only flag independence but we're till even now really mind colonized and even our decision are always interrupted by foreigners must be understood to everyone of us . We must fight for our sole independence and freedom.As an effort to make Africans aware of our situation and our struggle as PAN AFRICANISTS we must focus on opening pan AFRICANISTS club at every EDUCATION INSTITUTION (schools , colleges and universities) in AFRICA which will be responsible to preach both the philosophy of Pan AFRICANISM and SELF RELIANCE.
2:15. Calling for African GOVERNMENTS , African regional organizations and African union to stop conflicts & wars and to eliminate hunger & starvation throughout AFRICA for it is difficult for us to UNITE while we're busy killing each other and our children are starving.
2:16. Having our own THE VOPA COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION GROUP/company which will provide employment to young Africans . This construction company shall incorporate Young Africans from all African states with no consideration of colonial boundaries to work together in the process of building and unification of our homeland.Our COMMUNITY buildings will be built by this company, many construction tenders and projects shall be completed by this company. This
company shall be great and it shall prevail throughout AFRICA. This company shall be one among the source of income of our community. This company shall be responsible to rescue our children from being slaves in the land of COLONIALISTS because they'll get job in this company. The C.E.O
,the Parliamentary speaker and all other wise leaders shall cooperate to design the board of directors who will supervise this company and the board shall be approved by the VOPA community PARLIMENT.
2:17. As a part of an Implementation of the law 2:2 and 2:11, above, we shall have our own institution of research & technology which shall go by the name of MUAMMAR GADHAFI INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (MGIRT). This institute shall deal effectively with doing scientific researches, Implementation of those researches and coming up with solution of all challenges the continent of Africa is facing. Our institute shall be responsible to come up with our own AFRICAN medicines, agricultural equipments,construction machines, weapons, phones and other electronics, our own satellites, our own vehicles and aircrafts and everything we can do, then this institute shall be responsible to do it in an African way for the benefit of Africa. This institute shall be built by THE VOPA CONSTRUCTION GROUP/COMPANY in any African state as it will be approved by the VOPA community parliment. All our buildings and rooms in this institute and throughout our organization shall be nominated in the name of GREAT PAN AFRICANISTS who spent their life to rebuild AFRICA that it may regain her greatness.This institute shall receive & admit bright students from the whole continent AFRICA with no consideration of colonial boundaries or any other difference which can spoil our UNITY. Lecturers in this institute shall come from any country in the world as it'll be approved by the VOPA community parliment as long as they can facilitate us to reach our goals . Every year this institute shall admin less than 51 brightest students from each African state to study for free where they can be taught about PAN AFRICANISM and different scientific innovations. This INSTITUTE shall rescue our children from being given scholarship by the colonialists to travel to study and being employed by the colonialists to build the land of our oppressors. MGIRT shall incorporate Young Africans to gain the knowledge here in Africa and to stay here in Africa to rebuild our homeland. MGIRT is designed to stop the slavery imposed to our children for many among the brightest Young Africans leave AFRICA and rush to ASIA, Europe and USA to study and get employed there to build the home of those who killed our fathers. The system of education which will be used at MGIRT shall be modified so as to enable our children to make our goals possible. FOR AFRICA TO BE GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGAIN WE MUST INVEST MUCH IN REAL AFRICAN EDUCATION.
2:18. Promoting the Swahili language as the only African language which is expected to be an official language of the UNITED STATES OF AFRICA. Swahili language will be used in our all meetings and congregations .
3: 1. Any African whose joy is to see that AFRICA is making more steps forward can be a member of the VOPA community regardless of the part of the world he\she LIVES, the age and education level he/she have, We need patriotic people from every part of the world whose mind is unseparatible with AFRICA. These patriots are very potential for the prosperity and development of Africa.
3: 2. Any African who have accepted this Constitution as our reference/guidance and that he\she is ready to comply with it ,then that one can be our member and we'll work together to make AFRICA GREAT AGAIN. Anyone who's not ready to comply with this constitution and he\she is out of our philosophy of Pan AFRICANISM then he /she must not be allowed to be our member.
4: 1. Everyone in the VOPA community has a right to give out his\ her opinion about our community & our ambitions and to be listened by any leader, If his\her ideas will be approved by the parliament or the council of representatives then we'll Walk through that idea regardless of who've advised us. We need constructive ideas, we need leaders with NON ENDING strategies and techniques to fulfill our goals and not those who always say "it's impossible" to legalize their stupidity.
4: 2. Everyone is responsible to own a copy of this Constitution, to read it , to understand it well and to comply with it.
4: 3. Anyone has a right to meet any leader and talk each other so friendly for there shall be no one 25
who'll exalt himself/herself above others in the VOPA Community. Everyone shall be humble to all and no one shall be exalted over others. Any leader who'll be confirmed to exalt himself /herself and scorn others shall be expelled from his/her position at once and the vacant office shall be filled by the humble leader who'll be elected immediately after the removal of the boasting leader.
4: 5. Everyone has a right and responsibility to participate in all VOPA community activities for the interests of building our homeland. This include paying the VOPA community membership fee which will be put in place by the parliament. Failure to pay the membership fee due to uncontrollable reasons will not make anyone to be expelled into our community but deliberately rejecting of paying will be considered as a strong reason to expel anyone.
4: 6. Everyone has a right to apply for any leadership position in the VOPA Community where he/she will be judged by the Parliament or the Representative Council and the judgement will be based on his\her capability to enable us to reach our goals on the intended period of time. We'll judge people on acquiring leadership position according to their ability to help us on fulfilling our goals, their historical records and their accountability within our Community and not by solely looking at the pieces of paper called certificates or by looking on any other factor that divide us .
5: 1. Everyone will be free to leave the community at any time without disturbance as long as he\she has nothing that is the property of our community. An innocent person who once leaved the community can turn back into the community again without complications. Both the parliament and the council of representatives are responsible to ensure that those who're leaving the community are innocent meaning that they've stolen nothing from our properties if not then more steps should be taken as it will be decided by the parliament or the representatives council.
5: 2. Anyone who'll be approved to be a participant in HOMOSEXUALITY, ABORTION, CORRUPTION and any involvement in ILLEGAL Businesses\projects must be expelled at once and there'll be no chance to turn back again into our community. The responsibility to expel anyone in our community will always remain into the hands of either the parliament or the representatives council. There will be be no compensation payment for an expelled person.
5: 3. Anyone whose intention is to weaken our community must be expelled from our community at once even before he\she begins to carry out his\her wickedness. If the expelled one was a leader then election must take place to fill the vacant office. Both the parliament and the representatives council are responsible to take care about the way leaders act.
5: 4. There will be NO any compensation payment for anyone who will be expelled from the community as a result of his constitutional rebel . The innocent retired & resigned Members are only the one who will be considered to be given some gifts according to their contribution in our community. These decisions will always rest on the hands of the council of Representatives or the VOPA Parliament.
06 :- PART SIX .
6: 1: a. There will be the VOPA Community CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, who will be the major servant and the Community spokesperson. His statement will be considered to be the voice of the whole community. This servant shall not do or command anything which is not issued by the VOPA Community Parliament. He\she will be in charge to ensure that every activity that the parliament has commanded to be implemented is done within the time limit . Through cooperation with other servants they'll be the supervisors of all VOPA community activities.This leader will be responsible for supervision of opening and registration of the new State branches of the VOPA community throughout Africa.
6: 1: b. The founder of this community is the one who will serve in this position up to the day that the parliament will elect another servant to serve in this position . Comrade JONGELA PASCHAL FRANCIS KIJA who's the founder of the VOPA community and the writer of this constitution will
serve at this position throughout his transitional period until the day that the VOPA parliament will elect another person to develop what we've initiated. The choice of electing leaders in VOPA Community including the C.E.O will always be on the hands of the parliament and will take place at any time if the parliament decides to do so by its vote of yes by >50% of all MPs.One of the
potential question the Parliament must answer before MPs has approved someone to be our leader is that WHAT HE/SHE HAS DONE FOR THE SAKE OF OUR COMMUNITY throughout his/her HISTORY?
, If the answer is strong then that respective person shall be approved to be our leader but if the answer is weak then the respective person shall not be given any leadership position for we can't have Leaders who'll only exist as shadows .
6: 1: c. The CEO will be a part of the Parliament but he\she Will not represent the state he\she came from for his\her state will have another member of Parliament ( MP) to represent it in the Parliament. This servant will be elected from among the VOPA parliament members ( MPs) and his\her previous position to represent his\her state will be taken by another person who'll be elected by the senior council of Representatives of his\her State.
6: 1: d. Both the parliament and the council of representatives must be sure that every leader in our community is well aware of the real history of AFRICA.We need LEADERS who're aware of how AFRICA was before the invasions and colonialism, how is AFRICA now, where is AFRICA going, what's our destination and how shall we reach that destination, what has trapped us in this worse condition , how and when shall we defeat our enemies. We need leaders who'll help us to make more steps forward. We need leaders with NON ENDING strategies and techniques for making AFRICA GREAT AGAIN. We need leaders whose both minds and mouths the word "impossible" can't be found. ANY PERSON WHO'VE NO SENSE OF AFRICAN HISTORY MUST NOT BE ELECTED TO SERVE IN ANY LEADERSHIP POSITION.
6: 1: e. This servant must also be tested by how much he\she is aware of the history of our AFRICAN HEROES and THE HISTORY OF PAN AFRICANISM.We need leaders who're aware of the history of our founding fathers ,who was them?, what techniques they used to fight against problems Iike these we're now fighting with?, what was their achievement and their challenges, what factor pushed them to fight for AFRICA, what was their failures, how can we now fight against our enemies with great achievements for we've learned from our fathers?.
6: 1: f. The Leadership period of the VOPA COMMUNITY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER will end up at any hour as long as the parliament has not satisfied with the way our activities are going on under his\her supervision. If it happen that the parliament or the council of representatives is not satisfied with the performance of any leader then under the supervision of the SPEAKER they'll vote to remove that leader from the respective position and the vacant office will be filled by another
person who can comply with this constitution. There will be no any payment of any compensation for the expelled lazy leader.This law will work not only to CEO but also to all leaders throughout the VOPA leadership levels.
6: 1: g. Every after three months, this servant should give out his/her work report in front of the VOPA parliament . Then if the parliament is satisfied with his/her performance speed will allow him/her to continue to hold his/her position if not then he/she will be expelled from that postion
.This decisions will be approved as a result of the parliamentary vote of >50% of all MPs. This is not only for the CEO but for all VOPA community leaders in all leadership level and the councils of representatives should carry out the requirements of these laws. The parliament & the representatives Council shall have to listen these work reports, to evaluate and to vote to allow leaders to continue with their positions or to expell them all or some according to everyone's report. These reports shall decide who among leaders will continue to hold his/her position and who will left the office. What we need is to fulfill Our goals within the projected period of time, therefore we'll not base on regular frequently election of LEADERS .The ability of someone to help us to fulfill our goals effectively is what will take our Care towards that person. We'll not judge anyone by solely looking on pieces of paper called certificates or even Nationality but his\her curiosity and ability to fulfill Our goals is what we'll be focused on. We'll not cast our care on for how long someone has been a leader at a certain position but if that person is a reason for our achievements then he\she will remain at the respective position until it's approved by the parliament or the council of representatives that he\she is unable of performing his\her duties.All decisions shall be made as a result of Parliamentary vote of >50% of all MPs of the parliament or the representative council.
6:1:h. Any (two or more) leaders who'll be approved by the parliament that they're not in harmony with each other meaning that they're in conflict with each other then they'll be given only 4days to finish their conflict and to throw away their differences .On the fifth or even before the fifth day they must submit a report to the speaker/deputy speaker that they've finished their conflict or not.If they'll have resolved their problem within those four days then the Parliament should leave them to continue with their leadership positions.If they'll not harmonize themselves within those four days then all of them will be expelled from their leadership position and in the sixth day the election must take place and on the seventh day new officers must start working in their new offices.If the fifth day end up without the speaker/deputy speaker to receive any report from These leaders then they must be expelled from their leadership positions and not otherwise.WE CAN'T UNITE AFRICA WHILE WE'RE FRAGMENTED , FIGHTING AGAINST EACH OTHER AND OUR LEADERS ARE DISUNITED.
6:1:i. Any leader at any leadership level in our VOPA community will be free and he/she will be responsible to take any urgent (even without informing the Parliament or the representatives Council ) measure to protect the interests of our community in case there is an urgent threat(s) to our VOPA community. Then after he\she complete that mission the Parliament or the representatives Council must be urgently informed of what he\she has done .The CEO shall be free to take any urgent procedure in interchanging any Leaders, expel any leader at any position and at
any time provided that the interest of VOPA COMMUNITY is threatened or is in danger. This will apply also to all chairmen to leaders under them . After any urgent leadership amendment done by the CEO or chairmen the Parliament or the council of representatives must be informed in detail to why such amendment has taken place . After being informed the parliament or the council of representatives shall vote to approve these changes by the Parliamentary vote of YES by >50% of all MPs. NO ONE WILL BE ABOVE THE DECISIONS MADE BY THE VOPA COMMUNITY PARLIAMENT.
6:1:j. Every Year we'll have THE BEST PAN AFRICANIST(s) OF THE YEAR and THE VOPA HEROES OF THE YEAR awards. These awards will be given out by the VOPA CEO to appreciate the contribution of the recognized PAN AFRICANISTS throughout the world. The selection of the best PAN AFRICANIST OF THE YEAR will base on how much someone has HELPED Africans to understand themselves through mind decolonization, understand how Africa is, understand how Africans ore one, and how someone has made efforts to spread the pan AFRICANISM philosophy throughout AFRICA &Diaspora. The VOPA community HEROS awards will be also be given out by the VOPA community CEO to awards all those WHOSE efforts /contributions has made our VOPA COMMUNITY to exist /to stand firmly strong. All these awards will be accompanied with a CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION. All these awards will be awarded to Those who deserves Infront of the Pan AFRICANISTS symposium audiences as we suggested that every year we'll have PAN AFRICANISTS symposium(s) as it will be issued by the VOPA parliament.
6:1:k.The CEO shall be responsible for growth, security and prosperity of our VOPA COMMUNITY .He/she shall cooperate with other leaders and the VOPA community parliment to ensure that our
goals are fulfilled within the scheduled time. For that reason the CEO shall be free to make changes of other leader's positions at any time or even to expel any leader from any position provided that our interests are threatened and he/she is defending our interests. After any leadership amendment done by the CEO the parliment shall be urgently informed in details about what has happened and the reason for that changes then the parliment shall vote to approve or to deny such amendment through Parliamentary vote of Yes by >50% of all MPs. NO ONE SHALL BE ABOVE THE DECISIONS MADE BY THE PARLIMENT.
6:1:l. Every after THREE months the VOPA CEO shall have a meeting with the parliment with exception of both the speaker and the deputy SPEAKER to discuss the efficiency of the supervision of Parliamentary activities under the respective speaker and the deputy SPEAKER. They shall discuss to know whether the speaker and the DEPUTY SPEAKER are leading the parliment in wise way or not. Finally the parliment shall vote the Parliamentary vote of Yes by>50% of all MPs to approve for the contintinuation or discontinuation of both the speaker and the deputy SPEAKER to hold their position. If the parliment under the supervision of the CEO will decide to DISPLACE one of them or both the speaker and the deputy SPEAKER from holding their positions then the parliment shall decide whether to put them in another position or not by vote.
6:11:m. The first C.E.O who is the founder of THE VOICE OF PAN AFRICANISTS ( VOPA) COMMUNITY shall be responsible to cooperate with his advisors to create THE FIRST VOPA PARLIAMENT . This is because initially there's no council of representatives which can elect chairmen to represent their States in THE VOPA parliament hence all MPs shall be elected and announced by the VOPA CEO. All MPs shall take an oath to swear Infront of the C.E.O that they'll faithlessness serve the VOPA COMMUNITY with their wisdom. The CEO shall supervise this process until everyone among the MPs has taken an oath. After having the VOPA chairperson in every African state and the board of ADVISORS in our parliment then the CEO shall make a declaration to inform the public that "THE VOPA PARLIAMENT IS NOW COMPLETE"
6: 2: a. This person will be appointed by the VOPA CEO and he\she will be approved by the Parliament through its vote of Yes by >50% of all MPs. Because this leader must have an ability to perform all duties of the Community CEO then all laws in 6: 1 will be considered significantly when appointing and approving this leader for he\she will work in the same office with the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. The deputy CEO Shall be among the MPs but he/she will not represent his / her State.
6:2:b. The major responsibility of the deputy CEO/ Assistant CEO is to assist the CEO in every aspect in Implementation of our goals. He/she must work together & friendly with the CEO in making sure that our VOPA COMMUNITY is growing with high speed. In absence of the CEO due to death or illness the deputy CEO shall take all full responsibility of the community CEO untill the day when the parliment will declare an election of the CEO or the day when the community CEO will retain his/her normal situation.Throughout all this time when the deputy CEO is acting as the community CEO he/she will be free to appoint anyone from the community to be a temporary deputy CEO of our community.
6: 3: a. The general secretary will be a member of the Parliament but not representing his /her State and he/she will be appointed by the VOPA Community CEO and be approved by Parliament for its voting of yes for > 50% of all MPs .All of these constitutional laws in 6:1 will be considered exactly . The secretary general will be responsible for taking records and preserve all the important documents of our community. He\she will work together with all other leaders to ensure that we fulfill our goals . The general secretary shall be the OVERSEER of all the leadership activities and responsibilities to fulfill our GOALS . He/she Shall be a strong person who will supervise all our decisions and make our community great. Because the general secretary is an ACTOR & supervisor of all our missions then he/she shall be in charge even to supervise all VOPA community leadership meetings except those of the parliment where the speaker is in charge.
6:3:b. In absence of both the community CEO and the deputy CEO due to death or illness the general secretary shall ba a temporary community CEO and he/she shall urgently appoint other people from the community to hold the next positions of the deputy CEO and the general secretary untill the day that the parliment will declare an election or the day that the absent LEADERS are in their positions.
6:3:c. The vice general secretary shall be the one to work with the general secretary in all leadership responsibilities. Their duties shall be equal in making our community great and prevail throughout AFRICA. The vice general secretary shall be selected as the result f cooperation between the CEO and the general secretary then after reaching the agreement of who can take that position then the CEO shall send the mentioned name to the Parliamentary speaker who will present that name on behalf of the parliment for approval. After enough explaination from the speaker to make the respective person known by the MPs then the parliment shall make the Parliamentary vote to approve or to deny the specific name. OUR PARLIMENT SHALL NEVER VOTE TO APPROVE ANYTHING UNTILL EACH MP IS AWARE OF WHAT HE/SHE IS VOTING FOR.
6: 4.a. This person will be responsible for taking and keeping all the financial records of income and expenditure of the VOPA Community. He is also responsible to take records of all properties owned by our community including debits . He\she can propose for creation of committee to assist him\her in carrying the responsibility then the PARLIAMENT will be responsible to approve
that proposal. This leader will not have any authority over our properties as the parliament is the supreme decision maker of everything. His/her major work is to take & keep records of our properties. This leader will be appointed by the CEO and be approved by the Parliamentary vote of Yes for >50% of all MPs.
6:4:b. For the great interest and prosperity of our community and by considering the fact that the sole duty of an accountant is both recording and keeping all financial information of our community then he/she must be skilled enough in this career. He /she must be a blameless African patriot whose mind is unseparatible with AFRICA. In case there's need of having an assistant Chief accountant then the CEO shall be informed and he shall cooperate with the present accountant to appoint an assistant account and the parliment shall be responsible for the approval.
6: 4: c. There will be a board of signatories .These people will be selected by the parliament or the council of representatives according to the level of leadership.Their major task is to sign for our bank financial transactions after the agreement have been reached in the parliament or the council of representatives. CEO, Chief treasurer, secretary general will be permanent automatically members of this board then other members will be selected by the Parliament or the council of representatives. In urgent case three or two permanent signatories shall be allowed to sign for our financial transactions Only if the parliament has approved such an urgent case.
6: 5: a. There will be the VOPA community parliament that will be a tool to make high decisions in our community. This Parliament will be an assembly of the VOPA chairmen from all African states where the VOPA Community exist and the board of ADVISORS. Anything which will be issued and agreed by this Parliament will be put into implementation by the existing leadership. Any agreement made in the parliament will be approved as a decision by a parliamentary vote of Yes by >50% of all MPs . All leaders will be walking through what the parliament has commanded and not otherwise. No any leader will be allowed to do anything which relates to the VOPA community without the agreement of the parliament for only the parliament will be responsible for all effective decisions.
6: 5: b.This parliament will be composed of all VOPA-chairmen from all African states where the VOPA community is registered or is working and the board of ADVISORS. In every African state where we'll be registered /working there must be our chairman in that respective state who'll be the top leader of the VOPA community in that respective state. That chairman automatically will be the member of parliament in the VOPA parliament. Therefore this parliament shall be an assembly of the VOPA chairmen and the board of ADVISORS from African states.
6: 5: c . The VOPA Parliament can create its own committees according to the demand of workers. The Parliament itself shall be responsible to make and approve all the decisions about the formation of all committee for the efficiency of the implementation of our Community goals. All these decisions shall be officially put into Implementation by the seal of the CEO in order to approve them and make them laws. All the Parliamentary activities will be supervised by the SPEAKER in cooperate with the DEPUTY SPEAKER. Both speaker and the deputy speaker will be elected by the parliament under the supervision of the CEO or the deputy CEO.
6: 5: d. The Parliamentary Speaker will be assisted by his\her deputy and they'll be elected from among the parliament members who're also the chairman of the VOPA COMMUNITY in respective African state by the Parliamentary vote of > 50% of all MPs and this election will be supervised by the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. This Parliament will be responsible to discuss and approve the budget and the annual work plans. This parliament shall also receive work report of every leader after every three months.After all leaders have read and submitted their reports the parliament shall discuss and examine their working quality by voting the parliamentary vote of Yes by >50% of all MPs to approve the leaders to continue or to expel them from everyone's respective position . After they've expelled the lazy leader(s) then the election will take place to replace the vacant office. THE PARLIAMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO EXPEL ANY LEADER AT ANY TIME AS LONG AS HIS/HER WORKING STYLE IS NOT SATISFACTORY OR IS A THREAT TO OUR PROSPERITY. ALL hypocrites must not be given any leadership position for they can't stand up with their own legs on what they know and believe.
6: 5: e. This parliament is free to establish various new laws or to make changes in this Constitution and the new law or that changes will be signed by the CEO to approve these new laws and the formal changes to be used as laws.But all amendment must be focused on the prosperity of our homeland AFRICA.
6: 5: f. While cooperating with the existing leadership, this parliament shall have the responsibility to seek for and provide various donors and sponsors whose joy is to see the Africa we want.
6:5:g. Every decision shall be taken into serious consideration and officially recognized only if it has approved by the Parliamentary vote of YES by >50%of all MPs , sealed by the Parliament speaker and finally SIGNED & SEALED BY THE CEO.
6: 5: h. In our meetings, congregations and symposiums The Parliament shall ensure that before we start anything we must sing the VOPA COMMUNITY ANTHEM and the AFRICAN UNION ANTHEM. Our Parliament is in charge for our security, prosperity and achievement and for that reason then this parliament shall be responsible to EXPEL anyone From leadership or from the community as long as his/her presence is a threat for the prosperity of our community. All hypocrites must not be given any leadership position and if any hypocrite is found to be already accidentally a leader then he/she must be removed from that position. WE NEED LEADERS WHO BY ANY MEANS CAN'T BE SHAKEN FROM THE TRUTH .
6:5: i. No woman shall be allowed to stand infront of the VOPA congregation /meeting /symposium while she has put on the tighting clothes , artificial nail, artificial hair, trouser of any kind, short clothes, or even any clothes which is against AFRICAN culture like those transparent clothes which show body parts which are not ethically to be seen by everyone. No man shall be allowed to stand on behalf of the VOPA congregation/ meeting /symposium while he has put on women's clothes and jewels , artificial nail, artificial hair, earrings or any clothes which is not ethically acceptable in African culture .The VOPA community parliament must be sure that these kind of people are not given even any position of leadership in our community and if it happens a mistake that someone with these behavior is a leader then he/she must be expelled from leadership . EVERY MAN MUST BEHAVE AS A MAN AND EVERY WOMAN MUST BEHAVE AS A WOMAN AND NOT OTHERWISE .
6:5:j. Different boards/sub-organizations or committee will be initiated as per agreement between the VOPA parliament and the existing VOPA leadership (CEO,GS & CA) to facilitate the accomplishment of our plans. Example of these committee/ boards are like the board of civil engineers, the board of education, the board of health services, the board of agriculture, the board of lawyers and many more as per need of our community. The participants of these boards will be selected on the basis of their professional and ability.
6:5:k . All VOPA COMMUNITY servants/leaders shall be paid salary/wage based on their accountability in building our community. The amount of someone's salary shall be issued by the parliment by considering for how much someone has helped our community to grow more and more, how much someone has been defending our interests, how much someone is striving for the
powerful existence and spread of the VOPA community on the world. THERE SHALL BE NO EQUAL SALARY IN VOPA COMMUNITY EVEN IF THE POSITIONS ARE EQUAL. ONLY ACCOUNTABILITY SHALL DECIDE AND NOT OTHERWISE. The headquarter office shall supervise this.
6:5:l. THE VOICE OF PAN AFRICANISTS COMMUNITY (VOPA COMMUNITY) shall be responsible to remember her GIANTS , keep the glorious history of her GIANTS and to take care of her GIANTS and their generation. The supervision of this law and all other laws shall be in the hands of the parliment and the existing leadership. COMRADE JONGELA P.F. KIJA who is the founder of the VOPA community , the writer of this constitution and the first VOPA COMMUNITY CEO , the man who offered & sacrificed everything he owned for the existence of the VOPA COMMUNITY shall be put into remembrance in every aspect. The parliament shall be the keeper of his family and his generation even after both his resignation and death the VOPA community shall be responsible to take care of his family and his generation by allocating some amount of money to keep his family and his generation for his honor.
6:5:m. The VOPA community parliment shall be responsible for the growth and prosperity of our community . The parliment shall be responsible to make our community prevail throughout AFRICA and the world .The parliment shall cooperate with an existing leadership to fulfill our goals and to take care of our security . Any leader including the speaker who like to use the the word "Impossible" to legalize his/her idleness and to officialize his /her stupidity Must be expelled from that position immediately and an election must take place at once to replace the vacant position left by the lazy leader.
6:5:n. Both the speaker & the DEPUTY SPEAKER shall not be chairmen /chairwomen of the VOPA community in order for them to get enough time to deal with Parliamentary activities and to increase their efficiency in making our community GREAT and prevail throughout AFRICA. In case a speaker or a deputy SPEAKER is elected from the MPs who Is a chairperson representing his/her State then the VOPA community COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES on that state shall select /elect another chairperson to represent them in the parliment as a state. The Parliamentary speaker shall be responsible to supervise all Parliamentary activities including to supervise the way the present leadership act . All the VOPA leaders community readers ( CEO, deputy CEO, general secretary, deputy general secretary, Chief accountant, the deputy chief accountant , all VOPA chairmen and advisors) shall take an oath to swear that they'll faithfully serve the VOPA COMMUNITY and that they'll apply all of their wisdom to make the VOPA community great and prevail throughout AFRICA.
6: 6: a. In every African state where the VOPA community will be registered and begin to carry out its responsibilities, then there will be a strong leadership system to implement our missions.
6: 6: b. As soon as the registration is complete or before the registration of the VOPA community State branch , the VOPA Community CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER will appoint the Chairperson who will be the executive and the major supervisor of our missions/goals in a respective state level. Then these two people (CEO and the state chairman ) will cooperate to appoint the State secretary
, assistant chairman and the state treasurer/Accountant They'll cooperate to formulate the state leadership until it is completed.
6: 6: c. The VOPA community State level leadership will have the task of spreading our pan AFRICANISM philosophy throughout their state. They'll be opening the VOPA branches in every EDUCATION INSTITUTION like schools, colleges and universities and put leaders in every branch by referring the system of state leadership. In each branch there will be a chairman, assistant chairman, secretary and the branch treasurer. All chairmen from all branches throughout the state will create the major /senior council of representatives which will have both the speaker and the deputy speaker with reference to the VOPA parliament.
6: 6: d. In each branch there will be a small/junior/minor council of representatives which will be created under the supervision of the state chairman. This minor council of representatives will Act in reference to the VOPA parliament.
6: 6: e. All these two councils of representatives, the main council of representatives and the minor/local council of representatives each according to its interactive level, will work similar to the VOPA Community Parliament.
6: 7: a . This will be made up by representatives from all existing branches in the state and these 37
representatives will be the chairman of VOPA state branches .
6: 7: b. This council will be the major decision maker in the matters based on state level.This council will choose its leaders through the procedure as the VOPA Community Parliament.
6: 7: c. This council, while collaborating with the VOPA community parliament shall implement the wishes of this Constitution. The main task of this council will be spreading the philosophy of Pan AFRICANISM throughout the state .
6: 8: a. This will be like the VOPA parliament at the branch level.Members of this council will be selected from among the VOPA members who're in the located area.Members of this council are those whose joy is to see the Africa we want.
6: 8: b. This council will have its leadership system in reference to that of the state level. All the responsibilities performed by the VOPA major representatives Council will be also done at this council at the branch level.
6:8:c. The major work of this council will be to spread our pan AFRICANISM philosophy at their location.
6: 9: a. For we have great goals and we want to achieve our missions as fast as possible then DONORS and SPONSORS are very important for us. These might be individual people, private institutions and companies, International organizations or even governments. These must be ONLY those whose both minds and dreams are unseparatible with the rescue of AFRICA. They must do this only for the interests and the well-being of our Africa and not otherwise.
6: 9: b. Any donor or any sponsor who'll wish to assist us , let him/ her assist us to fulfill the requirements of this constitution and not otherwise. Whoever want to use his / her position of assisting us as an opportunity to attack our FREEDOM and to Force us to implement what is not Our Plan ,we must reject his\her assistance and we must expel him/her from our community. Any donor or sponsor should not interfere with both our election and our decisions . Everyone of our DONORS and SPONSORS has a right to advise us and not to force us to follow his/her ideas. Both the Parliament and the representative councils must take care of being interfered by anyone for they're the one to make all decisions in our community and not anyone else. The donor/sponsor does not have the right to interfere with the election of our community servants.
6: 9: c . DONORS and SPONSORS has the right to ask for a report of usege of what they has sponsored and the VOPA Community leadership will be obliged to provide the report as fast as possible.
6:10:a. There shall be a board of advisors whose members shall be selected by the cooperation between the VOPA parliment and the existing leadership.All members of this board must be wise people filled with determination with no loss of focus. They must be all Africans and they shall be selected from anywhere throughout the world as long as they're AFRICAN patriots.
6:10:b. These Wisemen/wise women shall be part of our parliment, they shall have equal right as other MPs. The selection process of these wise people shall start with the VOPA COMMUNITY chairperson who shall propose to the CEO the name of the ADVISOR he /she want to be included in our parliment. The chairperson and the CEO shall discuss on the proposed name of the ADVISOR and after reaching their agreement/conclusion they shall inform the Parliamentary speaker for the parliment to approve the proposed person to be our ADVISOR and part of our parliment. Then the parliment shall vote for the approval of the proposed person by the Parliamentary vote of yes by
>50% of all existing MPs.
6:10: c. Every after THREE months the parliment shall make an evaluation on the impact of everyone among the Members of the board of ADVISORS. If the parliment find that there is no any positive impact of a certain ADVISOR then that ADVISOR shall be expelled FROM our parliment. On every mentioned name of an advisor the PARLIAMENT shall examine the contribution brought by the mentioned advisor in making our community great and finally MPs shall vote a Parliamentary vote of yes by >50% of all MPs to approve that the mentioned ADVISOR should continue with his/her position or not. Every year the parliment under supervision of the speaker
shall announce THE BEST VOPA COMMUNITY ADVISOR OF THE YEAR . The Best advisor of the year shall be given a Parliamentary award including the CERTIFICATE OF THE BEST ADVISOR from the community CEO. WE NEED ADVISORS WHOSE WISDOM SHALL MAKE OUR COMMUNITY PREVAIL THROUGHOUT AFRICA.
6:10:d. The members of Parliament who shall Implement the law 6:10:c above shall be those who represent their State as chairmen/chairwomen. This is because those MPs who're in the parliment as ADVISORS will be the one examined so they can't participate in that mission of examining themselves.
6:10:e. Every African state in which the VOPA community is working shall have to provide a certain number of wise African patriots into our Parliament. The maximum number of advisors from ach State shall be approved by the Parliament by looking on the ability of our community to handle the specified number of people especially in term of financial perspectives.
6:11. THE BOARD/committee OF AUDITORS .
6:11:a . There shall be the board of AUDITORS which shall be created by the parliment under the supervision of the speaker.The sole purpose of this board is to check the consistency of our financial transactions and to ensure the safety of all properties of the VOPA community. This board shall gather all necessary information in order to check and to be sure that there's no any loss of any amount of money . This board shall give their report in every after THREE months Infront of our parliment. If it found that there's loss of our money caused by a certain office then the present leadership and the Parliament must not keep quiet on that robbery. Each report of this board must be listened in carefully manner and if it exist any situation which is threatening our interest or our property (ies) then our Parliament and the present leadership must take an urgent measures to ensure that THE VOPA COMMUNITY is always in the safe position.
6:11: b. All members of this boards must be real African patriots whose both minds and their hearts are filled with great love towards AFRICA. The work of auditing especially in financial matters is very delicate and it need UNSHAKABLE people whose focus can't be changed by bribe.Before approving every name of the VOPA community member to be in this COMMITTEE the PARLIAMENT must be sure that the mentioned person has no any corrupt report throughout his/her life and that he/ she can't be CORRUPTED by any means.
6:11:c. The list of members of this committee can be edited at any time as long as the Parliament has approved that there's the need of doing so. Every editing of the list of Leaders of any committee must be based on making the VOPA COMMUNITY great and prevail throughout AFRICA.
6:11:d . This committee can propose to the VOPA COMMUNITY PARLIAMENT to enact new laws based on increasing the efficiency of the process of fulfilling our missions throughout AFRICA. If the PARLIAMENT will approve that the proposal is full of wisdom and patriotism then the parliment shall enact and the CEO shall seal to approve new laws based on making the VOPA community Great.
6:12:a . This COMMITTEE shall be created by the CEO and it will be under the supervision of the CEO . Members of this committee shall be mind sensitive and great thinkers who will cooperate very closely with the CEO in the mission of making the VOPA community great and prevail throughout AFRICA so that we can facilitate the process of unification of Africa. The CEO can choose either to reveal the members of this COMMITTEE or to keep them as his secret according to his/her wisdom. The wage/salary of this COMMITTEE members shall be included in the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (C.E.O) office budget.
6:12:b . This committee shall gather all necessary information relating to the discipline and Ethics of the VOPA community members and bring the information to the CEO so that he/she can easily know the caliber of people he/she is leading . This will simplify the task of the CEO to appoint leaders in different positions. This COMMITTEE shall be responsible to notice all symbols which can threaten the existence of our COMMUNITY and to report to the CEO for further measures.
7: 1. There will be annual conventions/symposiums of VOPA community which will be done (× 2 or × 1) per year as it will be determined by the VOPA Community Parliament. These conventions will be held in African states where the parliament will decide.These congregations will be accompanied by the opening / strengthening of the state branch of the VOPA community.
7: 2. At the congregation, speeches about pan AFRICANISM will be given out, the main speaker will be proposed by Parliament and he\she must be a known Pan Africanist who will address pan African philosophy in our meetings. Before we start anything at Our convention we'll sing the VOPA community anthem and the AU anthem.
7: 3. During our congregations \meetings we'll use requirements & objects which are made here in Africa. Our mission is to show that AFRICA can be a self- reliant Country only if we'll decide. Let's try as much as possible to use our own African products wherever we are.
7: 4. There will be meetings for the VOPA Community Leaders and the parliament members every after three months for the parliament to listen and receive working reports from the existing leadership . The meeting can be online or face-to-face meeting as it will be decided by the VOPA community parliament. These reports will give out the general overview of our goals fulfillment strategies, steps taken and the position reached.After listening and receiving these reports the parliament will have to make decisions towards the existing leadership either to allow them to continue with their position or to expel some of them or all of them from their position .If the working style of any leader will not be satisfactory as compared to our projections then that leader will be expelled and his\her position will be taken by another one who can comply with our speed. These decisions will be approved by the parliamentary vote of > 50% of all MPs . Through his Parliamentary vote the existing leadership will be determined to continue or not.
7:5. Whenever the VOPA community members are gathered the law 6:5:i. Shall be observed and the Parliament and all leaders shall be responsible to supervise the discipline of our community by any means provided that it's lawful.
8: 1. Violations of laws written in this Constitution will be the strongest reason for the parliament or the council of Representatives to take action upon the one who violates.The punishments which will be given to the violator will be to take him/her to the court ,to EXPEL him/her FROM the community or from the leadership position or all of them according to what will be decided by the Parliament or the council of Representatives.
8: 2. Anyone who'll be approved to do an attempt of trying to steal any VOPA community property, he/she will be expelled from our community and he/she will be sent to the governmental Court as a thief and bandit. Anyone who's a drunkard must not be given any leadership position.
8: 4. Anyone who'll be approved that he\she is a participant in HOMOSEXUALITY , ABORTIONS & CORRUPTION or one of them he\she must be expelled at once FROM our community and there's no chance of such person to be our member again even if he\she repent.
8:5. All the rules in this Constitution will be considered and put into implementation for the purpose of keeping the status and purity of our community.
8:6. The law 6:5:i. Shall be considered and put into Implementation , all Leaders of THE VOPA COMMUNITY should comply with African culture , our appearance must describe that we're PAN AFRICANISTS. Any leader who'll wear any clothes or put on his body anything or appear in public in an appearance which will be considered to bring shame to the VOPA community then that leader shall be expelled from his/her respective position at once without hesitation. Our leaders must appear in the manner that will make the VOPA community to be honoured as an organization whose LEADERS are full of wisdom and patriotic spirit toward AFRICA. The supervision of this law shall be under the hand of the DISCIPLINE/ETHICS COMMITTEE / SAFETY & SECURITY which shall be created by the C.E.O as it has explained in the law 6:12 .
9: 0. REVENUE SOURCES OF OUR community.
9: 1. The VOPA community will get its income from community membership fees that will be issued by the VOPA community parliament. There shall be the VOPA COMMUNITY membership cards.
9: 2. The VOPA community will get its income from its guardians, donors & sponsors whose vision towards AFRICA is always good.
9: 3. The VOPA community will get its income from the "strength the VOPA COMMUNITY" program (aimed to collect some contributions from the willing people) that will be held at each convention and congregations.
9: 4. The VOPA community will get its income from its economic projects invested in different sectors. Our institutions will also be the sources of income in our community.
9:5. For urgent cases , the VOPA leadership and the Parliament can decide to take Loans from African banks and other African Organizations for the sake of growth of our community and for the betterment of our homeland. The loan must not hurt our community but it must be for The VOPA community to grow and prevail throughout AFRICA. Before we reach a decision to take any loan from anywhere our parliment must be sure that the loan is going to be beneficial to the VOPA community.
9: 6. The division of the usege of the VOPA community income will be determined by the VOPA Parliament. The VOPA COMMUNITY parliment shall be responsible to discuss and approve our budget. The headquarter office shall be responsible for salaries / wages distribution to all servants of the VOPA community.
10: 1. It is only the VOPA community parliament alone will have the authority to adjust, amend, add or eliminate any law in this Constitution. The parliament will do so by looking on the broad interest of our homeland. These decisions will be approved by the parliamentary vote of Yes by >50% of all parliament members.
10:2. Before any constitutional amendment is approved to be a law the proposal must be clear understood to all MPs before they vote to agree or to disagree. The parliment shall approve nothing which is not clearly understood by even a single member of Parliament. We must be sure that every decision we're making and every law we're approving is clearly understood by all MPs, all Leaders , all active VOPA community members and to our beloved advisors, donors, Sponsors and Guardians. NOTHING WHICH IS NOT SECRET SHALL BE DONE IN SECRET .
10:3. In case there's the need for the constitution amendment then the parliment shall approve the proposal, the parliment shall prepare a bill of law and announce it to all community members as it is described in the law 10:2 above then the parliment speaker shall sign it and send it to the VOPA community CEO for the final signature and approval as an officially recognized law . After the CEO has signed that law he/she shall declare it to all VOPA community members that the respective bill of law is not still a bill of law but it's now a complete officially recognized law.
11: 1. We look forward to see an Africa that does not glorify these colonial boundaries which was imposed on us by those who came to invade us, to divide us and set enmity among ourselves, to fight us, to assassinate our patriotic leaders, to hang and kill us in public , to trade us as commodities and to exploit our resources.We need and we expect to see a United States of AFRICA whereby these colonial boarders which limit us from trading each other will be the forgotten history.
11: 2. We look forward to see an Africa which her people are free to travel around Africa doing business with each other while having only one passport, with single currency without being disturbed by these colonial boarders which was imposed on us without our wills.
11: 3. We're expecting to see a UNITED AFRICA not as continent but as one NATION having a single army to protect the whole AFRICA by keeping peace throughout AFRICA and removing all foreign military bases in Africa. This is the United States of AFRICA which have only one major
,powerful and independent government which will take control throughout AFRICA though the minor state governments might continue to exist to support the major government but they'll be under the major government.
11: 4. We are looking forward to see an Africa which her people are one and united regardless of their differences in religious matters, gender, education level, political orientation, colonial boundaries or any other different that makes someone different from another one. It is an Africa that her people do not call each other "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" while they're all Africans and they're in Africa. AFRICA IS THE HOME OF AFRICANS AND WE CAN'T SAY THAT WE'RE FREE WHILE WE'RE NOT FREE EVEN TO MOVE ACROSS OUR HOME.
11: 5. We are looking forward to see an Africa where there are no foreign military bases/camps or police stations from other non-African countries. These foreign armies have been the source of political instability, wars and violence in AFRICA for a long time, WE MUST UNITE NOW to EXPEL them.This is Africa which its army is the most stable and independent in every aspect to ensure peace and security throughout AFRICA. This is because the presence of military camps in Africa has been a major cause of lack of peace between us and is a major threat to our sovereignty.
11: 6. We look forward to see a UNITED STATES OF AFRICA that will be no longer use all the
colonial currencies like CFA and ECO. This is an African where the single African currency is useful throughout AFRICA.This is an AFRICA which has one CENTRAL BANK which is capable of printing our money which is in single currency to be used throughout AFRICA. This is AFRICA where the term " FOREIGN DEBITS" will be the forgotten history. This is an independent AFRICA where people are free to trade with each other throughout AFRICA by using one AFRICAN passport, single currency without being disturbed by these colonial boarders.
11: 7. We are looking forward to see an Africa that is independent in every aspect . This is an African that uses its resources to fight against her enemies and to conquer them. It is an AFRICA that uses its wealth of minerals, FORESTS , water bodies, and fertile soil, to satisfy each need. It is an Africa that does not walk naked in other civilizations to ask for help and depend on the compassion & pity of those who doesn't consider our pain.This is an AFRICA which doesn't kneel down under those whose joy is to destroy us to beg for bread from those who doesn't care about our hungry.This is an AFRICA which is satisfied and need nothing from those who enjoys our pain & cry . We need to use our resources to free ourselves from depending on those who doesn't see the value of our personality & humanity.
11: 8. We are looking forward to see an Africa that has her own African companies to take over all the construction tenders in Africa, to extract our mineral, oil and gas, to manage all the power plant stations, to manage our plant & machines. It is an Africa that import only small amount of raw materials but export a larger quantity of finished products to te world. This is Africa that sell its products around the world and import less. This is Africa that does not bow down under the feet of the bandits to beg for only piece of bread from those who've taken our bread , those who feels no pity on our suffering ,those who cerebrate our starvation. But this is an Africa that provides humanitarian aid around the world.
11: 9. We are looking forward to see an Africa that has her own education system for self-reliance. This is an educational system whereby the education provided is linked to our resources. This is an educational system that will make Africa to be self-reliant in each sphere. This is an education which prepare our children to design and make our own African phones & all other electronics, clothes, Satellites, motors, vehicles, roads and bridges, medicine and drugs, machines and plants. WE'RE TIRED OF USING EVERYTHING MADE BY OTHER CIVILIZATIONS, IT'S NOW ENOUGH WITH THIS SLAVERY, LET'S MAKE OUR OWN.
11:10. We're expecting to see an Africa that is strongly UNITED to the extent that any attack on any African part is considered to be an attack to the whole Africa and that attack will be answered by the whole Africa without hesitation. This is an AFRICA where by any pain or suffering from any part of Africa is considered as the pain & suffering of the whole Africa and is answered by the
whole Africa without hesitation.
11:11. We look forward to see an Africa that her young people will no longer dream to rush away to Asia, Europe and America to be enslaved there where their humanity is not considered. This is an Africa which her young people do not die in the Mediterranean Sea as they're striving to cross it to be enslaved and humiliated in Europe and America. This is an Africa where young people are provided by many opportunities that they get job here in Africa and they stay here to rebuild their homeland. This is not the most disrespected continent again but it's the powerful and respected Nation which doesn't Walk naked on the roads of other civilizations to beg for their pity....NO _NO!!!, This is the strongest, powerful & most respected Nation which provides humanitarian aid throughout the world.
11:12. We look forward to see an Africa which her politicians are ready to say and LIVE the TRUTH in every situation for the interests of Africa. This is an Africa that her politicians are not those who are ready to diverge and spoil the truth for the sake of their own interests in the purpose of striving to show that they respect their chief political leaders while they're all cooperating to destroy the country in their hypocrisy. We need leaders who're in love with AFRICA and its sovereignty,solidarity,unity and prosperity not those whose love is only their self achievements which result to the huge destructions of the Nation.
11:13. We're expecting to see an AFRICA that recalls her HEROES and patriots for the purpose of showing respect to the great work they did and to impart patriotism on our minds. This is an Africa that her history is written in Africa by Africans for the AFRICANS themselves . It is an Africa whose history and information are described by Africans through African medias for the interests of our Africa. WE'RE TIRED OF LISTENING OUR STORIES FROM THOSE WHOSE GREAT INTENTION IS TO DESTROY US, IT'S THE TIME NOW TO WRITE & TELL OUR OWN STORIES.
11:14. We look forward to see an Africa which her people are proud of their culture and make it their identity. This is an Africa where CORRUPTION, HOMOSEXUALITY , HARLOTRY AND ABORTION are highly prohibited under the control of both the government and the society. It is an AFRICA where all illegal businesses are forgotten historical records.
11:15. We're expecting to see an Africa where her army uses African raw materials to make its own weapons and to conquer our enemies. This is an army which uses our uranium to make its weapons. Our enermies are many and has quality weapons than us but we're rich than them, therefore we must strength Our army by any means so that to make it able to conquer our oppressors otherwise we'll fail to protect our resources and we'll remain forever slaves at our own
home and our resources will continue to be freely taken away to be consumed by those who hate us. This is an African army which uses African URANIUM to make its weapons.
12: 0. BREAK DOWN OF THE VOPA Community.
12: 1. Anyone who will be confirmed that his\her interest is to weaken the VOPA community, then that person must be expelled as soon as possible before he\she begins to carry out his wickedness and there will be no any compensation that will be paid to such a wicked person. Both the Parliament and the representatives Council has a duty to check over the way members act so as to defend the interest of our community.
12: 2. The VOPA community shall only be broken when the parliament shall have approved that all its goals have been fulfilled and that there's no significance of this community to continue to exist. This judgement will be approved by 100% of all MPs otherwise the community will prevail .
12: 3. After law 12: 2 is implemented and the community has broken then all communal properties will be divided according to the decisions that will be issued by the Parliament.
13: 1. Before the multiple superimposed invasion of Africa by other civilizations, AFRICA was a United borderless Nation, A very successful country in every aspect, in love with solidarity, in science & technology, Economically & military strong . AFRICA was the world's leading Nation in every aspect and people were coming from different part of the world to
get their needs here in Africa. Our Almighty GOD stored and preserved the life of the whole world here in AFRICA.All world's great people were here in AFRICA even great scientific innovations were done here in Africa by AFRICANS. The whole world was being controlled from Africa by Africans. IN FACT AFRICA IS THE MOTHER OF ALL KNOWN WORLD'S CIVILIZATIONS. Our lowest level of status we have today is only the result of the weak decision we made after expelling the colonialists. We're now the most fragmented
,disunited and disrespected human race in the world not because we were colonized but it's because we refused and we're still refusing to unite as one country. These regional organizations we have today can't make AFRICA great again for the only way for us to make AFRICA great again is by uniting as one Nation and not otherwise.If we'll continue to entertain these State colonial borders and scorn the idea of uniting then we'll continue to be slaves at our own home until the second coming of Jesus and we'll soon be worse colonized again by those who we've invited to have their military bases and police stations at our home. Compatriots, let's UNITE now for if we'll not unite now then we'll soon forever loudly cry and no one will either hear our cry or feel our pain. AFRICANS, IT'S NOW THE TIME TO UNITE FOR IF WE'LL NOT UNITE NOW ,MOST ASSUREDLY WE'LL NEVER UNITE ANY TIME MORE.
13: 2. The day we'll throw away both our dread and selfishness and replace them with courage and patriotism is the day we'll surely conquer the neo colonialism and on that day we'll lift our AFRICA from the Lowest status to the highest status.
13: 3. Africa will be a great and strong Nation when her young people will decide to take their heroic responsibility of defending the status of AFRICA for the AFRICANS well-being. YOUNG AFRICANS , are we not tired of rushing to Asia, Europe and America?, Do we still need to work for our colonial masters again?, Is it not enough time now for us to continue dying in the Mediterranean sea as we strive to be enslaved and humiliated in Europe and America? , Don't we see the power in our UNITY?, For how long shall we continue to entertain this fear of making great decisions for the salvation of AFRICA?, If we'll not unite now do we think that there's another time for us to unite except now?, Do we think that its easy to defeat our enemies while we're fragmented and disunited like this ?. LET'S CAST AWAY OUR FEAR.
13: 4. Let's the young Africans not be afraid to confront with any situation throughout our way to rebuild AFRICA. Let us be ready to fight our enemies and to conquer them . Let us throw away the fear of death because it's the part of our life. Let's learn from our ancestors who sacrificed their life for the liberation of AFRICA. Let's us feel proud of fighting for what is ours. Let's expel the foolishness of being slaves at our own home. Let's reject the stupidity of freely submitting our huge whole bread to the bandits and
come back to kneel down under the same bandits to beg for only tiny part of the bread and after they've given us that small particle we praise them more than even we praise our heavenly GOD.
13: 5. If we pastoralists have the courage to confront with death day and night fighting against dangerous carnivora just only to protect the life of our small valued livestocks . Now if we have such a courage for just livestocks why do we lack the courage to confront these robbers who're day and night steeling our resources ?, If we'll continue keeping quiet and tolerating this stupidity then what will our grandchildren inherit from us if not poverty and slavery??.
13: 6. If we fishermen have a courage to confront death and we always put our life in dangerous environment throughout the whole night when we're in oceans\sea and lake just searching for small valued fish. Now if we have such courage to confront death just for the sake of a fish why do we lack the courage to fight these enemies who make us slaves at our own home?. If we can see our fellow died in the canoe when he was in the sea and we don't stop entering in the sea using the same canoe for the purpose of fish searching then why can't we sacrifice our life to defend what is ours? , Where do we get the power to tolerate those who take our resources to their children and leave us poor?. AFRICANS, it's the time now to hold what is ours.
13: 7. If we have the courage that we witness people who've died and injured on the road as a result of accident and we don't stop getting on the road using the same car that killed our brothers. If we have the courage to sacrifice our life for valueless matters like that then why we're scared of fight against neo colonialism and corruption which make the whole Africa poor?. AFRICANS , let's UNITE now to conquer colonialists and free ourselves from poverty.
13: 8. Compatriots, we live in the world where death is a part of our life, let's stop fearing it , let's focus on our sovereignty as AFRICANS, let's put our attention to our freedom, let's not be slaves at our home, let's be one thing and speak with one voice, let's throw away our differences and UNITE to rebuild our homeland.
14: 1. It is not true that we're fighting to build AFRICA, the truth is that WE'RE FIGHTING TO REBUILD THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS AFRICA THAT WAS ONCE EXISTING. Africa was ONCE great and the world leading country. It is in AFRICA where civilization was born , it is here in AFRICA where many great people of all time obtained their greatness, it is here in Africa where people from all civilization came to save their life in the time of tribulation, it is here in Africa where EDUCATION was defined ,it is here in Africa where many scientific innovations and inversions originated .
14 : 2. It is not true that we're trying to UNITE Africa, No!!!, The truth is that we're fighting to regain our UNITY which we've lost , we're fighting to recapture our strength/ greatness which we've lost, we're fighting to recapture our UNITY which has been replaced with HATRED , fragmentation and disunity among ourselves. THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN MAKE AFRICA WAKE AND BE GREAT AGAIN EXCEPT OUR UNITY. Even the history has demonstrated many time that whenever we united we conquered our enemies . Even now OUR UNITY IS ONLY OUR SALVATION.
14:3. Now we ask each other that if Africa was great and it was the source of all world's civilizations why do we find ourselves in this worse situation up to this second ?. OUR CHARITY and OUR HUMANITY is what damaged us , our parents welcomed all foreigners who came into our home as sheep during the day time, they multiplied and became powerful at our own home
then at night they betrayed us for they became Hyenas and it was difficult to conquer them. Even though we defeated and we chased them from our land but they're coming again in other ways but their mission is the same , to take our resources and to enslave us and our children. They're now surrounding us with their military bases under the umbrella of peace protection while they're the source of lack of peace throughout the world, They're killing / assassinating our leaders under the umbrella of spreading and defending DEMOCRACY which even themselves can't even give us the definition of the democracy they're taking about, they're initiating and funding uncountable terrorism groups, political parties and non government organizations for the purpose of dividing us, maximizing the HATRED and fragmentation among us and to keep us fighting against each other under the table while they're eating our own meal on our own table. By the time we've forgotten that we're the children from the same father and by the time we're busy killing each other is the sweetest hour for our oppressors to take freely all our good properties and our resources , it is in that sweetest hour when our oppressors give us their weapons in return of our resources in order to keep us fighting and poor. By the time we are busy killing each other is the sweetest hour for our oppressors to delete our desirable culture and they impose their own EVIL undesirable CULTURE including homosexuality on our children, by the time we're busy killing each other is the time we do not engage in Economical activities and we don't even produce food products and raw materials for our industries as a result we're suffering from starvation throughout our life and poverty is still existing at our home as a result we'll soon be forced to agree western idiotic culture for us to be HELPED because we've put ourselves in the position of depending on western compassion for us to live. The process of making AFRICA great again require us to throw away all our differences and come together as AFRICANS, to UNITE and move together toward one direction as a single unit otherwise we'll soon totally colonized again. Our oppressors are united but we're fragmented then how can we stand against them without uniting?. THOUGH WE'RE AT OUR OWN HOME BUT THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN FREELY SURVIVE IF WE'LL CONTINUE REFUSING TO UNITE. Though every African state may lonely strive hardly to stand Infront of the oppressors but it will be easily conquered . THE ONLY WAY IS TO UNITE . THE DAY WE'LL WAKE UP AND RECOGNIZE OUR POTENTIAL IS THE DAY AFRICA SHALL START MOVING FORWARD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION .
14:4 . CORRUPTION AND BETRAYAL among ourselves is the correct answer of the above question in 14:3 . Even our history has revealed time without number that we have been trying to redeem/ to free ourselves from the destructive teeth of our oppressors but our fellow Africans whose mind are filled with greedy,selfishness and stupidity has been many times betraying us and they join hands with our oppressors . Even our oppressors now know that we're too much corrupt and highly reactive to bribes to the extent that many of us are ready even to submit our sovereignty and our resources into the hand of those who killed our fathers for the sake of little amount of money to fill their stomach. THE DAY OUR CONSCIOUSNESS WILL RECOGNIZE THAT CORRUPTION AND BETRAYAL ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN ANY DESTRUCTIVE WEAPON AND THAT CORRUPTION AND BETRAYAL HAS KILLED MORE THAN ANY WAR IS THE DAY WE'LL RECOGNIZE HOW BLESSED IS AFRICA.
14:5. EDUCATION SYSTEM is the answer to why we're in this worse situation of being the most disrespected human race throughout the world. WE'RE POOR NOT BECAUSE WE WERE PHYSICALLY COLONIZED...NO!!!, IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE STILL MIND COLONIZED UP TO THIS SECOND. Even what we call "education" is not EDUCATION in real but it is a legalized system of preparing everlasting slaves . WE NEED EDUCATION SYSTEM WHICH IS LINKED TO OUR RESOURCES. We have been witnessing time without number that our bright and talented children are taken into other civilizations under the umbrella of sponsorship and they get employed there to continue building the land of our oppressors , even our good African players , researchers, doctors, engineers are fleeing into the land of the colonialists to continue strengthening the bloody hand of the colonialists and many of them doesn't remember again their homeland AFRICA. WHO'LL BUILD AFRICA AND MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN?. THE DAY WE'LL REALIZE THAT EDUCATION IS THE ROOT OF EVERY KIND OF DEVELOPMENT IS THE DAY THAT AFRICA SHALL BECOME GREAT AGAIN.
14:6. It is not true that our suffering is because of any curse imposed on us by the invisible ...NO !!!, It's because of our ignorance, laziness , selfishness and egocentric ideas, corrupted mind, and
the nonsense EDUCATION SYSTEM which we've embraced it for a long time . AFRICA is the only continent where all kind of valuable minerals exist in huge amount, Africa is the only continent which comprises the largest arable land in the world. AFRICA is where great water SOURCES are found. Africa is where all needed tourist attractions exist. AFRICA IS THE STOREHOUSE / BARN OF OUR ALMIGHTY GOD where everything can be safely found kept by OUR CREATOR. Because of our WEALTH foreigners from other civilization are rushing to Africa in group wise while poor but turn to their home rich but the tragedy is that our children are dying in the Mediterranean sea while striving to get enslaved again by those who enslaved our fathers. Inspite of all opportunities and the wealth we have our children know nothing about it and their dream is to leave AFRICA. Unfortunately foreigners know how Africa is blessed than the indigenous people of Africa know . UNLESS WE LOVE WHAT IS OURS WE'RE GOING NOWHERE.
14: 7. All our suffering will end up only if we'll decide to act accordingly . We've been dreaming for a long time , now is the time for Africans to wake up and turn our dreams into reality. We've been suffering from hunger and starvation for a long time , now it's the time to recognize the potentiality of our fertile soil and our water sources. We've been crying of diseases for a long time, now it's the time to recognize the power of our forests. We've been depending on the COLONIALISTS for a long time, now it's the time to recognize and appreciate our brains. We've been calling for foreign investors to come into our land for a long time , now it's the time to empower our young Africans so that they may become INVESTORS. AFRICA SHALL BECOME GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGAIN ONLY IF WE'LL AGREE EFFECTIVELY TO UTILIZE OUR BRAINS .
14:8. There's no any continent throughout the world which is rich like AFRICA . AFRICA is the continent full of tremendous opportunities . AFRICA is where a person can change his/her name from being called "POOR" and start being called "RICH" .The problem with us is in our minds. We're suffering from many problems because of our weak DECISIONS which we've been progressively embracing and glorifying. THE DAY WE'LL AGREE TO TAKE STRONG DECISIONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF EXISTING GENERATION AND THE COMING GENERATION IS THE DAY AFRICA SHALL START MOVING FORWARD ON THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
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