Umoja wa Vijana Afrika (UVA) African Youngsters Union

UVA CONCEPT NOTE (2021) -----------------------------------------

Umoja wa Vijana Afrika (UVA) is a Pan-African young people's Organization founded on 17th February, 2021 after exhaustive deliberations amongst well-meaning, future- oriented young Africans across the continent.

Its English equivalent is African Youngsters Union (AYU).

UVA is a registered non-governmental youngsters' organization under three key structural and functional frameworks:

I) a constitution

II) a concept note and

III) a Master plan (policy).

The concept note is this summary of what our Union is all about.

In the master plan, the topmost objectives are Peace and Unity Building and Change of Deadly Mindsets amongst us Young Africans to ensure good citizenry and leadership in Africa for sustainable development and true economic and sociopolitical freedom.

There is more to our policy!

UVA is solely funded by registered members and true Pan-Africanists that have the genuine dream of Africa's greatness as badly needed now.

Our motto is "Umoja Kwanzaa", Swahili term for "Unity First".

"Kwa huru kuachiliwa" is our slogan which means "'Be Free to Be Freed", meaning that we can only stand independent as a continent if we can produce what can upkeep us so we don't have to always beg for donations, loans or relief funds from elsewhere. This actually talks about revolutionizing our citizenry, our leadership styles, our human resources, natural resources, Agriculture, science&technology, innovation, and our educational systems; and most importantly, decolonizing our minds starting from childhood upwards.

In a whole, this union is nothing but one of the very rare African youngsters' organizations established and is set to be run by young generational thinkers and actors of the African continent.



Foday Isaac Koroma (MD), Coordinator UVA Continental;

Amb. Hassan Conteh, Media Outreach Manager, UVA Sierra Leone Chapter.

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Ubuntu Now.